For the third year, Tartu Artists’ Union is organising an exhibition of contemporary art in the Valga Museum gallery. This time, the inclusion of Kaspars Brambergs from Latvia and Siiri Jüris from Estonia is indirectly inspired by the 100th anniversary of the division of Valga and Valka between the two states. The title “Contact” is based on the latest oeuvre of these artists that seems to lure the audience into seeking physical contact with the works. However, at the same time the works also harbour something repelling.
Previously, Tartu Artists’ Union and Valga Museum have collaborated on the exhibitions “Borderline” (2018, artists Eva Mustonen, Laura Põld, Anna-Maria Saar, Diana Tamane and Kadri Toom) and “Creation” (2019, artists Mirjam Hinn, Eero Ijavoinen and Enn Põldroos). All three exhibitions have been curated by Peeter Talvistu and their graphic designer has been Katrin Nõu.
Supported by State Culture Capital Foundation (SCCF)
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